Sometimes minors can consent to their own health care without the permission or involvement of their parents. The resources on this page are meant to support healthcare providers by providing useful information to help them better understand the rights of minors to consent to specific kinds of health care in California.
PrEP and PEP for Minors: FAQs about Consent, Access, and Confidentiality in California: This document responds to frequently asked questions regarding consent, access, and confidentiality for PrEP and PEP treatment in California.
A Minor’s Right to Abortion in California: An in-depth explanation of the constitutionally-protected right of California minors to consent to abortion and to keep their reproductive information confidential.
Four reasons youth in #fostercare find it difficult to access sexual & reproductive health services and education🔖
‣ Frequent school changes
‣ A smaller safety network
‣ Inflexible/unpredictable schedules
‣ A lack of support for #parentingyouth
"Remember to be patient with yourself. Everyone’s journey towards personal growth is unique."
—Former foster youth on the 2025 RHEP Youth Advisory Board
#Advice #YouthAdvocates #SRH #SelfLove #HealthyRelationships
📌@RHEP_CA is the new Reproductive Health Equity Project for Foster Youth X account.
Our former account, the @NCYLHealth page, is a place for overarching @ncylnews Health program updates.
#NationalCenterforYouthLaw #ChildHealth #AdolescentHealth #SRH #FosterCare #TAY