School based and school linked health care can be an important way for young people to access critical health services. The supplementary materials on this page address some of the common legal questions that arise when students seek health and mental health care during the school day.
When Therapy Records are Only as Private as a School Schedule, It’s Time to Update Federal Confidentiality Law: Read this important piece about the conflict between the privacy expectations of patients and the legal reality of confidentiality law from Senior Attorney Rebecca Gudeman.
HIPAA or FERPA? A Primer on Sharing School Health Information in California 2ed. 2018: This resource, originally created by the National Center for Youth Law for the California School-Based Health Alliance (formerly CSHCA), and now updated in 2018, provides essential information for navigating the interactions of HIPAA and FERPA in school health programs, including school health centers, school-based mental health programs, school nursing services, and other health services delivered on school campuses. (Current. Updated 2018)
Confidential Medical Release – Frequently Asked Questions from Schools and Districts: A comprehensive document examining common questions about confidential medical release and students leaving school during the school day for confidential medical appointments. (Current. Updated 2015)
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Teen Talk: Foster Youth is a comprehensive sex education course taught by experts in the community. It is:
✅compliant with state law (SB89)
✅foster-youth approved
If you know a young person who could benefit from #TeenTalk, fill out this form:
The Reproductive Health Equity Project for Foster Youth is seeking advocates to join the 2025 Youth Advisory Board (YAB). YAB members receive $27/hr for this remote role. See details & apply at the link: