In most cases, parents must consent to health care on behalf of their minor children.  However, there are situations in which minors must or may consent for their own care and opportunities in which other adults may consent to care on the minors’ behalf. The tools on this page summarize the rights of minors and third parties to consent to a minor’s health care in California.


Minor Consent and Confidentiality Laws: This chart summarizes all the situations in which a minor may consent on her own to health care in California and provides related information on confidentiality. (Updated 2024)


Frequently Asked Questions: Using the California Caregiver Affidavit as a Non-Relative or Relative “Sponsor” of Unaccompanied Immigrant YouthThis document provides an overview of California’s Caregiver Authorization Affidavit and how it may be used by non-relative and relative “sponsors” of unaccompanied immigrant youth to consent to certain kinds of medical care and school enrollment.

Minor Consent, Confidentiality, and Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse in California: This document provides an overview of the pertinent federal and state medical consent, confidentiality and child abuse reporting laws that apply when adolescents seek health care services on their own from health providers in California. (Updated 2016)

Understanding Confidentiality and Minor Consent in CaliforniaThis adolescent provider toolkit, created by the Adolescent Health Working Group, includes legal information from the National Center for Youth Law and many tools created by providers and youth to help explain and use these rules in practice. (Updated 2010)


Four reasons youth in #fostercare find it difficult to access sexual & reproductive health services and education🔖
‣ Frequent school changes
‣ A smaller safety network
‣ Inflexible/unpredictable schedules
‣ A lack of support for #parentingyouth


"Remember to be patient with yourself. Everyone’s journey towards personal growth is unique."
—Former foster youth on the 2025 RHEP Youth Advisory Board

#Advice #YouthAdvocates #SRH #SelfLove #HealthyRelationships

📌@RHEP_CA is the new Reproductive Health Equity Project for Foster Youth X account.

Our former account, the @NCYLHealth page, is a place for overarching @ncylnews Health program updates.
#NationalCenterforYouthLaw #ChildHealth #AdolescentHealth #SRH #FosterCare #TAY

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